Our Services
We employ careful communications beginning with needs analysis and continuing through completion of deliverables. We develop solutions tailored to your jurisdiction, your personnel and your business operations, delivered on site or remotely.
- Advise on emergency response planning and integrating plans with national or international SAR organizations.
- Advise on developing maritime SAR organizations for a coastal state's particular requirements.
- Develop and deliver customized SAR courses for SAR Mission Coordinators and responders (Canadian and international).
- Design and conduct emergency response exercises and debriefings.
- Develop operation-specific training materials.
- Write emergency preparedness and response manuals.
- Write Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) manuals.
- Develop and deliver training materials: task analysis, performance criteria & standards, instructors' and student handbooks, individual lesson plans and self-study material (including computer-based methods).
For a list of completed projects delivering the above services, please go to Projects.