Location |
Projects completed by CM Technologies, Inc. and Mike Stacey |
Victoria, BC & Yukon Territory; 2023 |
Developed Emergency Preparedness Manual for First Nation tour operator on Yukon River; Volunteer Advisor for Catalyste+, a national Indigenous business development organization. |
Victoria, BC & Ottawa, ON, Canada; 2022 |
Developed computer-based training course material for new Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) Leading Seaman trade position; sub-contractor for third party. |
Vancouver, BC, Canada; 2019 |
Created and delivered presentation titled "Rescuing Persons Trapped in Capsized Vessels - A New Response" at World Maritime Rescue Congress 2019. |
Ottawa, ON & Victoria, BC, Canada; 2017, 2018 |
Developed and delivered seminars on Risk-Based Marine SAR Response Delivery (RAMSARD) methodology for determining and mitigating risks to mariners to Canadian Coast Guard Program Analysts; contracted by CCG. |
Victoria, BC, Canada; 2017 |
Developed Ops Communications Plan for Canadian Coast Guard's Exercise Salish Sea 2017 (largest ever Canadian marine MRO exercise). Performed Exercise Controller role at JRCC Victoria and as Communications Unit Leader at Exercise Incident Command Post; contracted by CCG. |
Victoria, BC, Canada; 2016 |
Wrote and assisted design of Computer Based Training courseware for Canadian Armed Forces Mission Specialists on replenishment at sea (RAS) ship; sub-contractor for third party. |
Prince Rupert, BC, Canada; 2014 |
Designed and conducted "Needs Analysis" outreach to Maritime Search and Rescue service providers on Canada's northwest coast; contracted by CCG. |
Victoria, BC, Canada; 2013 |
Developed "Continued Proficiency and Standards and Training" procedures for Maritime Coordinators at Joint Rescue Coordination Centre Victoria; contracted by CCG. |
Victoria, BC, Canada; 2010 - 2012 |
Co-Wrote "Totally Enclosed Motor Propelled Survival Craft (TEMPSC)" Student Handbook for maritime oil rig personnel; sub-contractor for third party. |
JRCC Victoria, BC, Canada; 1984 - 2012 |
SAR Mission Coordinator. Coordinated Coast Guard, Air Force, Navy, police, volunteer and commercial marine and air responses to maritime distresses on Canada's west coast; assisted coordination of responses to aeronautical distresses; employee of Canadian Coast Guard. |
Batumi, Republic of Georgia; 2009 |
Developed and delivered "SAR Administration" and "SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC)" courses to staff of Georgian Maritime Administration; Volunteer Advisor for Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO). |
Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia; 2005 |
Co-authored Maritime Oil Spill Contingency Response Plans for international oil and gas production consortium; sub-contractor for third party. |
Abu Dhabi, UAE; 2007 |
Developed and delivered training materials to Abu Dhabi Air Force SAR Mission Coordinators (SMCs) at Joint Rescue Coordination Centre Abu Dhabi; sub-contractor for third party. |
Kaohsiung, Taiwan; 2006 |
Instructed Maritime Search Planning component of "SAR Mission Coordinator (SMC)" Course to trainee Taiwanese personnel; sub-contractor for third party. |
Victoria, BC, Canada; 2002 - 2007 |
Standby Master, 105 G.T. oil spill response tug, Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt; conducted oil spill response exercises and training runs; sub-contractor for third party. |
Batumi, Republic of Georgia; 2004 |
2004. & Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO): Drafted Georgian National Maritime Search and Rescue (SAR) Plan for Georgian Maritime Administration; Volunteer Advisor for Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO). |
Castries, Saint Lucia; 1991 |
Delivered Maritime SAR course to Coast Guard and Police from various Caribbean island states; Canadian Coast Guard employee. |
Sydney, NS, Canada; 1991 |
Developed and delivered Maritime SAR courses to Canadian and international SAR professionals, Canadian Coast Guard College; Canadian Coast Guard employee. |
West Coast of Canada; 1973 - 1982 |
Owner/ charterer/captain of commercial fishing vessels harvesting salmon on West Coast of Vancouver Island; sold catch to wholesale packers or marketed catch to restaurants and consumers. |